Staying Hydrated: Do It Correctly


Special Considerations for Athletes

Athletes and physically active individuals have higher water needs due to increased fluid loss through sweat. Here are some additional tips for athletes to stay hydrated:


Drink water before exercise to start your workout well-hydrated. Aim to drink 500-600 ml (17-20 ounces) of water 2-3 hours before exercise.

During Exercise

Drink water at regular intervals during exercise to replace fluids lost through sweat. For intense or prolonged workouts, consider using sports drinks that contain electrolytes to help maintain fluid balance.

Post-Exercise Hydration

Rehydrate after exercise to replace lost fluids and aid in recovery. Drink 500-750 ml (17-25 ounces) of water for every pound of body weight lost during exercise.

Monitor Sweat Loss

Weigh yourself before and after exercise to estimate sweat loss and determine how much water you need to drink to rehydrate.

Hydration and Age

Hydration needs can vary with age. Here are some considerations for different age groups:


Children are more susceptible to dehydration, especially during hot weather or physical activity. Encourage children to drink water regularly and offer water-rich snacks.

Older Adults

Older adults may have a diminished sense of thirst and are at higher risk of dehydration. Encourage regular water intake and monitor hydration status, especially during illness or hot weather.


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