Common Mistakes In Using Sanitary Towels And How To Correct Them

Proper menstrual hygiene using of sanitary towels is essential for women's health!

2. Incorrect Placement

Placing the sanitary towel too far forward or too far back can result in inefficiency and discomfort.

Ensure the pad is centered in your underwear, with the front of the pad aligning with the front of your underwear.

3. Wearing a Single Pad All Day

It’s important to change your sanitary towel regularly to maintain cleanliness and prevent odor.

Wearing a single pad for an extended period can lead to bacterial growth and discomfort.

Change your pad every 3-4 hours, or more frequently if needed.

4. Not Removing the Paper Backing

Some sanitary towels come with a paper backing that needs to be removed before use.

Forgetting to remove this backing can affect the pad’s ability to adhere to your underwear properly.

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